

投稿者:Marc Pégulu 2022年4月6日

ニューサウスウェールズ州第一次産業省(NSW DPI)は、2018年に670万豪ドルの「Climate Smart Pilots」プロジェクトを開始しました。このプログラムでは、天然資源と気候変動に関して農家向けに生成される情報を改善するために、デジタル技術を試験的に活用しています。これには、漁業、園芸、畜産セクター全体が関係しています。温暖化が進み、降水型が変わり、季節にも変化が見られる中、革新的なモノのインターネット(IoT)技術を活用することで、早期の警報の発出、情報の制御、農業システムの新しい管理方法の導入などが可能になります。


タグ: LoRa, スマート農業, ワイヤレスRF, IoT, スマート環境

Posted by Raphael Atayi on 25 January 2022


洪水は、米国で最も多く発生している重大な自然災害です。気候変動に関する政府間パネル (IPCC) の異常気象に関する特別報告書によると、気候変動が、嵐の激甚化、降雨量の増加、融雪の悪化、海面の上昇など、洪水の原因となるいくつかの水に関する変数に検出可能な影響を与えたことは明らかです。都市を保護するためには、人命の損失や費用のかかる物的損害を防ぐことを可能にする、正確かつ高信頼度の洪水リアルタイム監視が必要です。


Tags: LoRa, Smart Cities, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, Smart Environment, ESG

Posted by Raphael Atayi on 04 January 2022



タグ: LoRa, ワイヤレスRF, IoT, スマート環境, ESG

Posted by Marc Pegulu & Tyson Echentile on 12 October 2021

Often, there is no warning of a natural disaster, and the consequences can be costly. After an event like a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, flood, or wildfire, communities need help to cover the costs for debris removal, life-saving emergency protective measures, and restoring public infrastructure. The recently passed American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 is helping communities do that, allotting $50 billion for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Disaster Relief Fund to help state and local governments respond to and recover from these major disasters or emergencies.


Tags: LoRa, News, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, Smart Environment, ESG

Posted by Marc Pégulu on 22 June 2021

Traditional utility operations are labor intensive and utilize subjective measurement by field personnel. Meters are often located in dense urban environments, indoors or even underground, and can be challenging—if not impossible—to reach by wireless technologies. By implementing a smart utilities infrastructure comprised of sensors and gateways utilizing the LoRaWAN® standard including streaming analytics and artificial intelligence (AI), utility and metering companies can collect real-time data , analyze it and act on insights from data no matter where it’s generated – enabling more efficient use of resources and personnel for streamlined operations. 


Tags: LoRa, Smart Utilities, Smart Cities, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, Smart Environment, ESG

Posted by Marc Pégulu on 20 April 2021



タグ: LoRa, ワイヤレスRF, IoT, スマート環境, ESG

Posted by Marc Pégulu on 21 October 2019

Without a way to intelligently track endangered species, it is difficult for rangers to fend off poachers in many of Africa and Asia’s national parks. With Internet of Things (IoT) solutions, creating a sustainable and safe environment for animals and humans through technology is simple and efficient. Whether helping to monitor the whereabouts of animals living in the park or providing protection for humans that live in close proximity, wireless IoT solutions, such as those based on low-power wide-area networks (LPWAN), offer major potential for wildlife conservation efforts.


タグ: LoRa, ワイヤレスRF, IoT, スマート環境, ESG


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