
Mike Wong

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投稿者:Mike Wong 2022年8月30日

中華人民共和国工業情報化部によると、中国の5Gネットワークのカバレッジは拡大し続けています。5Gネットワークの大規模な展開はモノのインターネット (IoT) エコシステムを強化し、IoTアプリケーションシナリオを製造、農業、医療、セキュリティ、スマートシティなどの多様な分野に拡大します。


タグ:LoRa, ワイヤレスRF, IoT

Posted by Mike Wong on 19 August 2021

With the rapid development of Internet of Things (IoT) technology and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), the robot has been widely applied in numerous industries. It is not only common to see industrial robots used in industries such as electronics, automobile and chemical engineering, but also in more service roles used in families, hotels, restaurants, and other settings. Hence, great progress and development have been obtained in the global service robot technology in recent years, and a series of breakthrough applications have been achieved in family, education, public service, medical care, and other fields, laying a foundation for creating a better life and further improving production efficiency.


タグ: LoRa, スマートサプライチェーンロジスティクス, ワイヤレスRF, IoT

Posted by Mike Wong on 10 June 2021

As one of the oldest industries, agriculture has existed for thousands of years in China. It is the foundation of the national economy and the most fundamental for China to achieve sustainable development. However, with the transformation of our economic structure in recent years, the agriculture industry is facing tough challenges posed by factors such as the increasing shortage of agricultural labor force (farmers increasingly turning to migrant workers), the improper use of fertilizers and pesticides, and the shortage of water resources. How to achieve refined, green and sustainable development of agriculture is the key problem to be addressed in China and even across the world.


Tags: LoRa, Smart Agriculture, Wireless RF, Internet of Things


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