LoRa, Smart Utilities, Internet of Things, Smart Water Metering, Smart Electricity Metering, Smart Gas Metering, AWS
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LoRa, Smart Utilities, Internet of Things, Smart Water Metering, Smart Electricity Metering, Smart Gas Metering, AWS
先日、「AWSとSemtechを用いたLoRaWAN® ソリューションによる水道とガスのIoT簡素化(Simplify IoT for Water and Gas Using LoRaWAN® Solutions with AWS and Semtech) 」と題したウェビナーを開催させていただきました。このウェビナーでは、LoRaWANの導入、効率の向上、コストの削減、運用全体の最適化のユースケースに焦点を当て、台頭するIoTテクノロジーを掘り下げ、水道およびガス市場の成長予測について説明しました。
During the webinar, we explored the effectiveness of LoRaWAN combined with AWS cloud services to enable customers to maximize business benefits from deploying a LoRaWAN gas or water meter solution on AWS. We also discussed how to get comprehensive support and resources to leverage this technology at scale in order to accelerate and simplify innovation for the water and gas sectors.
In this blog post, we are excited to share with you our top questions from the webinar. Whether you seek answers or are simply curious about LoRaWAN for Utilities, this blog post is a must-read. So, let’s dive right in!
Answer: Please refer to LA's FAQ on security for details on the security mechanisms used by LoRaWAN at https://lora-alliance.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/la_faq_security_0220_v1.2_0.pdf
Answer: Yes, it can work with any LoRaWAN device for any type of Utility; the metrics that can be obtained vary from device to device. Refer to the LoRa Alliance catalog for compatible devices: https://lora-alliance.org/marketplace/
Other forms of AMI with LoRaWAN can be a LoRaWAN Network Server installed on customer premises or in a specific cloud but run separately from the data platform. That means more risks with integration and different levels of availability. On the contrary, with AWS IoT core, water utilities will benefit from the same availability and seamless integration of the LoRaWAN Network Server with the data platform. This will save costs and reduce problems. Additionally, with respect to network management, AWS IoT core can support meter and gateway management. Another advantage of AWS in a massive metering deployment is having the same data platform for collecting any meters whatever the connectivity technology (eg: mix of meters using cellular, WMBUS and LoRaWAN).
Answer: AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN supports any gateway running BasicsStation. For a list of qualified gateways, please visit https://devices.amazonaws.com/search?page=1&sv=iotclorawan&type=gateway
Answer: Yes, you can review the specific country under the Coverage menu in https://everynet.com/. For example https://coverage.sh/share/XtLofeFywqvSgKoE
Answer: The Pricing model of AWS IoT follows a pay-as-you-go model.
For specific details please check: https://aws.amazon.com/iot-core/pricing
Answer: If your solution is built on top of AWS, then please follow the AWS Partner Network: https://aws.amazon.com/partners/
If not, please reach out to Semtech via email to: iotcspartner@semtech.com
Answer: If you are a LoRaWAN meter manufacturer and would like to join our GTM, please reach out to us at: iotcspartner@semtech.com
If you found these responses valuable, be sure to watch the webinar replay: https://www.semtech.com/company/video/webinars/simplify-iot-for-water-and-gas-using-lorawan-solutions-with-aws-and-semtech