
Wireless RF (2)

投稿者:Richard Lansdowne 2022年3月1日



タグ: LoRa, スマートシティ, ワイヤレスRF, IoT

投稿者:Marc Pégulu 2022年2月22日



タグ:LoRa, ワイヤレスRF, IoT

Posted by Karthik Ranjan on 08 February 2022

当社は、お客様の声に真剣に耳を傾けています。そうして当社はこの度、LoRa Cloud™に関する大きな変更と改善を発表することとなりました。この変更の大半は、使いやすさとコンテンツの視覚性、さらに価格プランの効率性と実用性を向上させるために実施されました。このプラットフォームと新しい支払いモデルは2022年2月7日から始まっています。詳細については、以下をお読みください。


タグ:LoRa, ワイヤレスRF, IoT, LoRa Cloud

投稿者:Remi Lorrain 2022年2月7日



Tags: LoRa, News, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, Asset Tracking, Space, Satellite

Posted by Raphael Atayi on 25 January 2022


洪水は、米国で最も多く発生している重大な自然災害です。気候変動に関する政府間パネル (IPCC) の異常気象に関する特別報告書によると、気候変動が、嵐の激甚化、降雨量の増加、融雪の悪化、海面の上昇など、洪水の原因となるいくつかの水に関する変数に検出可能な影響を与えたことは明らかです。都市を保護するためには、人命の損失や費用のかかる物的損害を防ぐことを可能にする、正確かつ高信頼度の洪水リアルタイム監視が必要です。


Tags: LoRa, Smart Cities, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, Smart Environment, ESG

Posted by Sree Durbha on 20 January 2022

Location is a vital component of the Internet of Things (IoT), encompassing the ability of things to sense and communicate their geographic position. Location data helps organize, track and account for the billions of Internet-connected devices based on sensors and other location-centric elements within them. The ability to capture location data forms the basis of location-based services and starts with the physical radio frequency (RF) technologies that interact with the world around them.

Several technologies, such as GPS, LoRa® and others, can provide outdoor location information. However, these existing technologies are not optimized for IoT asset tracking use cases due to their increased power requirements which require access to frequent charging as well as inability to work indoors. Reducing power consumption on devices fundamentally requires a reduction of compute on device, with IoT this can be accomplished by partitioning the workload between the device and harnessing the power of the Cloud. For precise indoor location, where GPS has no tangible reach, and to enable continuous location detection or tracking, indoor positioning systems (IPS) technologies such as Wi-Fi come into play.


Tags: LoRa, News, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, Asset Tracking, LoRa Edge

Posted by Raphael Atayi on 04 January 2022



タグ: LoRa, ワイヤレスRF, IoT, スマート環境, ESG

Posted by Olivier Beaujard on 15 December 2021

The LoRaWAN® standard has been officially approved as a standard for low power wide area networking (LPWAN) by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies.


Tags: LoRa, News, Wireless RF, Internet of Things

Posted by Raphael Atayi on 09 November 2021

Semtech drives global change by creating innovative technology that facilitates a smarter, cleaner and more connected planet. Specifically, Internet of Things (IoT) applications leveraging Semtech’s LoRa® devices and the LoRaWAN® standard enable a wide range of solutions that improve efficiency and reduce waste.


Tags: LoRa, Smart Cities, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, ESG

Posted by Marc Pegulu & Tyson Echentile on 12 October 2021

Often, there is no warning of a natural disaster, and the consequences can be costly. After an event like a hurricane, tornado, earthquake, flood, or wildfire, communities need help to cover the costs for debris removal, life-saving emergency protective measures, and restoring public infrastructure. The recently passed American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 is helping communities do that, allotting $50 billion for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) Disaster Relief Fund to help state and local governments respond to and recover from these major disasters or emergencies.


Tags: LoRa, News, Wireless RF, Internet of Things, Smart Environment, ESG


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